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Engineering and Technology

Chemical Engineering - Open Courseware (OCW)

Introduction to Chemical Engineering

Stanford University (US)

basic overview of the chemical engineering field today, applications


Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering

MIT (US), OpenCourseware

focuses on use of modern computational & math, linear systems as basic computational unit in scientific computing, methods for solving sets of nonlinear algebraic equations, ordinary differential equations, differential-algebraic (DAE) systems, probability in physical modeling, statistical analysis of data & parameter estimation, finite difference & finite element techniques for converting partial differential equations: syllabus, readings, tools

Process Dynamics and Controls

Michigan University (US), open.michigan

free resource describing chemical process control and modeling: Learning in an electronic classroom, Modeling Basics Standard Notation, Chemical Process Controls, Statistical Process Control


Polymer Science and Engineering

Stanford University (US)

molecular structure and molecular weight & organization within bulk materials, thermo-physical properties (glass transition, melting/crystallization, mesomorphism) in terms of molecular structure, statistical nature of macromolecular science, polymer chain entanglements & time-dependent properties in solution, melt, and bulk

Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology (IN)

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, Fundamentals of Functional Analysis, Linear Algebraic Equations and Related Numerical Schemes, ODE-IVPs, Optimization

Computational Quantum Mechanics of Molecular and Extended Systems

MIT (US), OpenCourseWare

theoretical frameworks of Hartree-Fock theory and density functional theory as approximate methods to solve the many-electron problem, variety of ways to incorporate electron correlation, application to calculate reactivity and spectroscopic properties of chemical systems &e thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical processes, cutting edge methods to sample complex hypersurfaces for reactions in liquids catalysts and biological systems: projects, tools

Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion

MIT (US), OpenCourseware

fundamentals of thermodynamics, chemistry, flow and transport processes as applied to energy systems, analysis of energy conversion in thermomechanical, thermochemical, electrochemical, photoelectric processes in transportation systems, efficiency, environmental impact and performance, fossil fuels, hydrogen, nuclear and renewable resources, fuel reforming, hydrogen and synthetic fuel production, fuel cells and batteries, combustion, hybrids, catalysis, supercritical and combined cycles, photovoltaics, different forms of energy storage and transmission and optimal source utilization and fuel-life cycle analysis: projects, tools

Integrated Chemical Engineering (Process Control by Design)

MIT (US), OpenCourseware

various chemical engineering problems in an industrial context, integration of fundamentals with material property estimation, process control, product development, computer simulation, integration of societal issues such as engineering ethics, environmental & safety considerations, impact of technology on society in the context of case studies: tools

Kinetics of Chemical Reactions

MIT (US), OpenCourseware

experimental & theoretical aspects of chemical reaction kinetics, including transition-state theories, molecular beam scattering, classical techniques, quantum & statistical mechanical estimation of rate constants, pressure-dependence & chemical activation, modeling complex reacting mixtures, uncertainty/sensitivity analyses, reactions in gas phase, liquid phase, on surfaces with examples from atmospheric, combustion, industrial, catalytic, biological chemistry: readings, study materials

Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering

MIT OpenCourseWare (US)

concepts of reaction rate, stoichiometry and equilibrium applied to the analysis of chemical and biological reacting systems, derivation of rate expressions from reaction mechanisms and equilibrium or steady state assumptions, design of chemical and biochemical reactors via synthesis of chemical kinetics, transport phenomena, and mass and energy balances: readings

Process Dynamics, Operations, and Control

MIT (US), OpenCourseware

dynamic processes & engineering tasks of process operations & control, modeling static & dynamic behavior of processes (control strategies, design of feedback, feedforward, other control structures, model-based control, applications to process equipment): study materials

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