Front Page - Climate Change and Environment, what to do about it?
ACTION! - Where do we go from here? - Wake up! What can be done by the powers that be and YOU?.
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Mainly for Young People - Climate Change and Environment, links and info.
Eco-anxiety - Eco-anxiety and what to do about it.
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iBerry Portal - Gateway for all to Climate Change and the Environment - recent links.
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Some items of interest that may not fit other headings.Canopy - 'Mission Possible: Transforming Supply Chains to Protect Forests and Climate', Ted Talk by Nicole Rycroft. Cleo Institute - House on Fire youth-led podcasts: climate crisis, activism & hope. Natural Building Blog - 'An Interview with Sigi Koko', using local abundant materials. Yale Climate Connections - 'Eight climate comedies for those (too) warm summer evenings ahead.' Funny films about global warming. Yale Climate Connections - 10 best climate change documentaries. Yale Climate Connections - 'The Climate Connections Podcast', 90-second episode released each weekday. Yale Climate Connections - 'From poop to pizza: Our top 10 funniest radio stories on climate change' | Language Translation
'How Bad Will it Get? Thrutopias and the Need for Transformative Adaptation.' Jesse Damiani interviews Rupert Read. |