Contributions Welcome!

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iBerry welcomes contributions from anyone anywhere on aspects or experiences of Climate Change. You do not have to be an expert. We are not after detailed scientific papers laced with technical jargon but if you have the ability to make the theory surrounding Climate Change and its implications more understandable to non-experts so much the better!

We can make modest payments for publishable material. Contact us first with a brief summary of your intended contribution. Contributions should preferably be in English but other languages might be considered.

Thanks to the following authors. We would like to see more!

  • Climate Change Education in Cameroon by Tamo Stephane CEO/Founder at Environmental Education for a Better Earth (EEFABE-Cameroon. Donations welcome!). Stephane is an environmental scientist who believes in the power of education in tackling environmental and climate change challenges, especially in local communities.

  • Adapting to Climate Change by Emma Mary Gathergood, retired mental health NHS therapist and Holistic Life Coach. Emma Mary's environmental interests stem back to the sixties. She furthered her interests in the need to care for the Earth through studies of feminism, matriarchal and indigenous cultures. More recent work has involved the concept of Earth Listening and publication of her life story.

  • "Non-Indigenous Culture": Implications of a Historical Anomaly by Derek Rasmussen. Interesting take on a weird and exotic civilisation that may be heading for extinction. It has not been around too long and hasn't been studied by a single university department or textbook. Mature cultures look on it in horror!

  • Climate change education is the missing fuel in addressing the climate crisis by Rose Kobusinge. Rose attended COP27 and is a Ugandan Climate Action advocate, cofounder of the Climate and Biodiversity Initiative Uganda. She possesses a masters in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford and a BSc in Environmental Science from Makerere University Uganda.

  • Why don't some people take climate change seriously? We asked ChatGPT to explain. An impressive use of artificial intelligence making some good points!

  • The Mess We're In. by Dr. Dorian Lewis Felix Cave, Associate Researcher at the Weizenbaum Institut. Dorian received Bachelor's and Masters degrees at the Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences-po) majoring in International Relations and specialising in Sustainable Development. His PhD degree in Educational Studies and Sociology was from Lancaster University.

  • One family's New Year's climate resolutions help tackle global warming. "Each winter, as January approaches, Eric Laine of Binghamton, New York, sits down with his wife and kids to write New Year's resolutions ... New Year's climate resolutions." by YCC Team, Yale Climate Connections: audio with transcript.

  • What Christiana Figueres thinks the climate movement can learn from Buddhism - Christiana Figueres, a Costa Rican diplomat best known as the architect of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, has turned to a new strategy for protecting the world's climate.

Contributions by iBerry

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iBerry's Mission

In broad terms iBerry is concerned with climate change education and its role in creating informed opinion. We are not experts but we do accept expert scientific opinion that the main cause of global warming is caused by human activities that rely on fossil fuels. We also accept that severe climate and environmental changes are on their way. How severe may be difficult to predict in time and place but it is very important to understand that change is inevitable, is already affecting our lives and forcing us to rethink our place in the Earth's natural ecosystem.

We will provide information on climate change and environment issues with links to blogs, websites, articles etc catering for different groups of people in their different paths to knowledge and understanding. The young, the old, teachers, parents, business persons, religious leaders, politicians and activists may all approach these issues from quite different angles and perspectives but a coming-together of hearts and minds is crucial in tackling the most serious problem humanity has ever faced.

iBerry is strictly non-profit and is not affiliated with any other body or institution. We have no commercial interests or advertising and no hidden agenda. We rely on volunteers and help from our visitors. Please help us.