Green Jobs - and what to do about them.

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Green jobs center around the skills needed to adapt products and services to climate change and related environmental requirements and regulations. There is a growing demand for Green skills in all sectors and at all levels as we tackle Climate Change and environmental threats. If we don't - no jobs left on a dead planet!

Green Jobs in the Future
GRID-Arendal - Green Jobs in the Future

A surprising number of green jobs are on offer, either by specialist websites or in the green sections of general websites. The links here under 'Job-seeker Support' point to websites that spell out in detail what green jobs are all about. The green job listings under 'Job-search' bring together some useful links to reliable sites.

Warning! Some sites aimed at job seekers seem more concerned with pointing customers at their advertisers than offering unbiased advice - so beware! The listings here are not meant to be comprehensive but hopefully represent some of the better sites offering genuine services of interest to green job seekers anywhere on the globe - feedback is welcome!

Job-seeker Support

State of the Planet - How to Find a Job in Sustainability.

Green job, Wikipedia - descriptions, discussion of green jobs or green-collared jobs by role, country, policy etc.

World Economic Forum - What are green jobs? 5 questions answered about clean energy careers.

Learn How to Become - A Guide to Green Careers, find a university in the United States

Indeed - 20 Green Careers for the Environmentally Conscious.

Language Translation


Green Jobs Network - Community for climate and social impact jobseekers.

CIEEM - Green Jobs for Nature.

GreenJobs - UK jobs under different categories.

Guardian - Jobs (mainly UK), green amd sustainable.

RenewableEnergyJobs - Focusing on renewable energy careers.

energyjobline - Renewable energy jobs worldwide.

environment jobs - UK and International green jobs.

Generation UK - Supports & places individuals into meaningful careers.