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People tackling the climate emergency in many different ways.Greenpeace: 'On action design and aesthetics of protest' - Hannah Davey about art and activism. 'Why I’m here: four disabled female voices on their place within the environmental movement' Guardian: ‘Climate negotiations are inherently abusive’ - Campaigner Brianna Craft on the struggle smaller countries face. "Women bear the biggest brunt of climate change," says climate scientist Susan Chomba - Climate and male perspective. Green revolution: how I learned to be an eco warrior, one step at a time - Josh Appignanesi's experiences. Happy Eco News: Mongabay: Pennsylvania University: Planet Forward: Weaving Diné teachings and science' - Oral story: Indigenous ways of knowing are vital in science and conservation. Columbia News: State of the Planet: Olivia Smith: Changing the Way We Look at Food Systems and the Environment. Aaron Stockel: From Byzantine History to Politics - Circuitous path to climate science & political advocacy. Yale Climate Connections: What baby boomers can do about climate change, according to Bill McKibben - Famed environmentalist who founded 'Third Act'. | Language Translation
Stunning film about a scientist's journey after one of his research papers sparks a global movement addressing the challenges facing our planet. Bill Ripple decides it's finally time for scientists to step out and take a stand as the planet tips perilously close to disaster. |