Front Page - Climate Change and Environment, what to do about it?
ACTION! - Where do we go from here? - Wake up! What can be done by the powers that be and YOU?.
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Green Jobs - Job-seekers support.
Mainly for Young People - Climate Change and Environment, links and info.
Eco-anxiety - Eco-anxiety and what to do about it.
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iBerry Portal - Gateway for all to Climate Change and the Environment - recent links.
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BBC News - Earth Day: How to talk to your parents about climate change. Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) - Climate Basics for Kids, the science behind climate change, the impacts and how you can help. Guardian: Young country diary - A monthly column in which young people write about their encounters with nature. Happy Eco News - 8 Eco-Friendly DIY Projects to Decorate Your Dorm Room. Mongabay Kids - Online environmental education platform commits to connecting children worldwide with nature. NASA ClimateKids - Using NASA scientists' knowledge to answer some of your biggest questions. Planet Forward - Essay | Who do we find hope in? Finding community at youth climate summits. State of the Planet - Generational and Cultural Change is Stimulating Environmental Sustainability. Yale Climate Connections - 'Highwater' the new video game that immerses players in a dystopian world ravaged by climate change. Better Planet Education - Environmental resources tailored for all ages, from young enthusiasts to teens, educators, and caregivers.
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See Also: Mainly for Young People |