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Assembly - Vanessa Nakate on how girls' education can help solve the climate crisis.
BBC News - Climate change: How to talk to a denier. Common Sense Education - Climate Change Resources for Students and Teachers (26 tools). Countryside Classroom - Helps teachers to find resources relating to food, farming and natural environment. Earth Warriors - Climate Education for Young Children, focus on 3-11-year-olds. See video ->> Earth Day - Climate Education vs. The Climate Crisis (PDF) Earth System Models for the future - Database of educational resources around Climate Science based on latest knowledge. Education International - Quality climate education for all, Manifesto, students have right to gain the knowledge. Guardian - Children can't avoid viral stories about war and climate crisis - but we can help them? Happy Eco News - How to Help Students Connect With Nature? Harmony Project - New way of learning inspired by Nature, aims to transform education in preparing young people for 21st century life. Learning for Nature - e-learning programme by UN Development Programme connecting biodiversity policymakers, change-makers & on-the-ground subject matter experts. MIT Climate Portal - Adaptation and Climate Change Costs Educator Guide, teaching climate change, earth science, and energy topics in the classroom. Office for Climate Education - Climate change education, organizing international cooperation between scientific bodies, NGOs & educational institutions. STEM Teaching Tools - Climate Learning Resources, Tools, 3D Assessment Examples, Justice in Education Graduate-Level Course. Siemens Stiftung - Climate change education in sustainable development. Subject to Climate - Connector to free Climate Resources for all Subjects. Transform Our World - Teacher-rated resources, from individual lesson plans and assemblies, to full-scale year-long programmes worldviews. Wordtips - Ideas and activities to get kids interested in environmental issues. Resources feature recycling, games and links to independent studies. Yale Climate Connections - Teaching climate hope as students envision a no-carbon 2050 future. Yale Climate Connections - 12 titles for a multidisciplinary curriculum on climate change: climate change books from different disciplines. | Language Translation
Earth Warriors in association with National Geographic Society - short animation illustrating the importance of teaching quality climate education in an age appropriate way, critical for 3-7 year olds. Young people tell how climate change makes them feel - and explore the best way to talk about it. "Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases." - Swahili saying.
Useful poster from Skeptical Science on how to spot the opposite... a primer on disinformation.