Front Page - Climate Change and Environment, what to do about it?
ACTION! - Where do we go from here? - Wake up! What can be done by the powers that be and YOU?.
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Learning more about Climate Change
Green Jobs - Job-seekers support.
Mainly for Young People - Climate Change and Environment, links and info.
Eco-anxiety - Eco-anxiety and what to do about it.
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iBerry Portal - Gateway for all to Climate Change and the Environment - recent links.
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Blue&Green - Climate Change Distress: What it is and how to cope.
Climate Psychology Alliance - How can we adapt to the new world of the Anthropocene? Climate Psychiatry Alliance - Raising awareness about impacts of climate change on mental health and mitigating climate distress. Climate & Mind - Exploring the relationship between climate disruption, human behavior & human experience. Deep Adaptation Forum - Support and collaboration anticipating, observing, and experiencing societal disruption and collapse. EcoWatch - 7 Ways to manage climate anxiety. Guardian - Can therapy treat climate anxiety? Lonely Conservationists Mental health resources: helplines, crisis lines, mental health advice, phone and web chat services. Professor Jem Bendell - Advice plus links to support groups of various types. World Economic Forum - Getting past despair to take powerful action on climate change. Yale Climate Connections - Climate 'doomism': Heart & mind reasons to resist it. See Also - Eco-anxiety - and what to do about it. |
Language Translation
We've all been there ... but maybe not this far! Video by Friends of the Earth. |