Arts and Humanities
Art, Architecture, Music and Performing Arts - Resource Page
Best resource sites iBerry's choice - recommendations welcome!
- Interactive Learning Paradigms (US), ArtSource - gathering point for networked resources on art & architecture: architecture resources, art & architecture programs & libraries, art journals online, artist's projects, electronic exhibitions, events, general resources, image collections, museum info, new media, organizations, vendor info, virtual ceramics exhibit
Library of Congress (US), Performing Arts Reading Room - Internet Resources for Music, Theater and Dance: libraries & research aids, periodical indexes, doctoral dissertations, obituaries & necrologies, dance, theater, opera, music (film, church, organizations, publishers, copyright, sheet), song lyrics
Wikipedia, Portal-Music - explore Music categories,Music genres and forms, Composers and musicians, Musical instruments
Other resource sites
- About - architecture
Arts Online - visual, performing & literary arts on the web
British Academy PORTAL (UK) - store of knowledge; video, audio, events, publications and policy reports; seek out expertise
California University (US), Library Guide for Music - materials for the study of music:Books, Scores, Recordings, Articles, Online Listening, Reference, Websites, Instruments, Special Collections
Jacques-Edouard Berger Foundation, World Art Treasures (WAT) (CH) - promulgates discovery & love of art, 100,000 slides devoted to art & main civilizations: Artists, Art Periods, Thematic Essays
Nevada University (US), Architecture Studies Library - Modules and Guides, Exhibits and Lectures, Finding Articles, Las Vegas Architecture, Internet Resources
World Architecture Community - independent global forum and database targeting to become the 'Home Page' of architects: directories, theory/ issues, blogs
Yale University (US), Music Library - Classical Music Library, Classical Scores Library, Index to Printed Music, International Index to Music Periodicals Full-Text, Music Library, Music Online, Reference Tools, Music Databases, Mobile Resources
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