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Arts and Humanities

Languages and Linguistics - Open Courseware (OCW)

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Introduction to Philosophy of Language

MIT OpenCourseWare (US)

nature of meaning, reference, truth, and their relationships, relationships between language and logic, language and knowledge, language and reality, language and acts performed through its use: readings

Modal Logic

MIT OpenCourseWare (US)

logic of necessity and possibility, and by extension of analogously paired notions like validity and consistency, obligation and permission, the known and the not-ruled-out


MIT OpenCourseWare (US)

central topics in language processing, structure of language, sentence, discourse, morphological processing, storage & access of words in mental dictionary, speech processing, relationship between computational resources available in working memory & language processing mechanism, ambiguity resolution, computational & connectionist models, language & thought, issues in language acquisition, critical period phenomena, acquisition of speech & words, experimental methodologies: readings, Translations (Chinese, Spanish)

Germany and its European Context

MIT (US), OpenCourseWare

main currents in contemporary German literary and visual culture, Nietzsche's thought as a point of departure, dialectics of tradition and modernity in both Germany and other European countries, particularly the UK, France, Denmark, and Poland, Primary works drawn from literature, cinema, art, and performance, including works by Peter Sloterdijk, Thomas Vinterberg, and Michel Houellebecq

Lexicon and Its Features

MIT OpenCourseWare (US)

overview of the distinctive features which distinguish sound categories of languages of the world, Theories which relate these categories to their acoustic and articulatory correlates, both universally and in particular languages, Models of word recognition by listeners, features, and phonological structure, variety of perspectives on these issues, drawn from Electrical Engineering, Linguistics and Cognitive Science

Introduction to Syntax

MIT (US), OpenCourseWare

concepts & principles of central significance in recent development of syntactic theory, special focus on the Government & Binding (GB) / Principles and Parameters (P&P) / Minimalist Program (MP) approach: readings

Language Resources

Word2Word (US)

breaking down language barriers and assisting users who have the desire to learn a language, a need to communicate between languages and for those who work with languages as a profession: online dictionaries & translators, free online language courses

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