Arts and Humanities | Music and Performing Arts - Open Courseware (OCW)Pages: > 1 2   Musician's AcousticsColorado University (US)introduction to the science of musical sound for musicians: physical basis of timbre, spectral analysis and harmonic series, physical basis for scales and intervals, vibrations and resonance, science behind musical instruments, human voice, hearing perception and concert hall acoustics Physics of MusicIllinois University (US)physics of (sound (propagation of sound waves), hearing (psycho-acoustics), music (all musical styles, and music in the natural world -- living organisms and physical processes), musical instruments (brass, wind, strings percussion, song, electronic, computer and beyond)) Early MusicMIT (US), OpenCourseWareexamines European music from the early Middle Ages until the end of the Renaissance. It includes a chronological survey and intensive study of three topics: chant and its development, music in Italy 1340-1420, and music in Elizabethan England. The Film ExperienceMIT (US), OpenCoursewareconcentrates on close analysis and criticism of a wide range of films, from the early silent period, classic Hollywood genres including musicals, thrillers and westerns, and European and Japanese art cinema. Lawyers and FilmWest Virginia University (US)What can we learn about ourselves as lawyers from watching lawyer films?, elements of the films; story, drama, plot, character portrayal worth pursuing, mythology of lawyering, ideals associated with a life in law, critical perspectives on law, lawyers, and the legal profession, reading the films Classical Music: a history according to YouTubeLimelight Magazine (AU)educational and eclectic tour of music from the middle ages to today illustrated with clips from YouTube: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical era, Romantics, Birth of Modernism, Post-WWII innovators Survey of American Popular MusicSam Houston State University (US)evolution of native styles, roots of rock music, classic rock 'n' roll era, brill building era, british invasion, amerian renaissance, regional styles, hybrid children of rock, punk/new wave/postpunk, other notable genres and topics Listening to MusicYale University (US), Open Yale coursesways in which music is put together, how to listen to a wide variety of musical styles from Bach and Mozart to Gregorian chant to the blues Understanding Basic Music TheoryOpenStax Collegereview of common notation and an introduction to the physics behind music theory, basic concepts of music theory and a few slightly advanced but very useful topics such as transposition Pages: > 1 2  