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Arts and Humanities

Literature, Philosophy and Religion - Resource Page

  Best resource sites  
iBerry's choice - recommendations welcome!
  • ErraticImpact.com, Philosophy Research Base (US) - meta-index categorized by history, subject & author, integrates text & online resources: books, topics, philosophers, history, essays, gear, philosophy departments, philosophers by name, philosopher home pages, Journals, organizations, book search, featured webs
  • Michigan University (US), Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) - creation, delivery, maintenance of electronic texts, mechanism for furthering library community's capabilities in online text, freely available collections: text collections (alphabetic list of resources, making of America, sgml resources)
  • Wikipedia - Category:Religion portals
  Other resource sites  
  • Bartleby Library (US), Great Books Online - literature, reference; verse providing students, researchers and the intellectually curious with free access to books; info: reference, verse, fiction, non-fiction, featured author, indexes (by author, subject, title)
  • Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) (US) - non-profit organization includes writers artists teachers scholars and developers, fosters and promotes reading writing teaching and understanding of literature as it develops and persists in a changing digital environment
  • LiteraryHistory.com (US) - catalogs credible literary criticism on nineteenth and twentieth century English and American literature available on free internet: 18, 19, 20th-Century literature, African American Literature, Filipino American Writers, Postcolonial Literature
  • Malaspina U-College (CA), Great Books Home - records connect by theme, category, discipline or time period, helpful for student activities ranging from essay writing to graduate research, short (and long) biographies lectures and Powerpoint Presentations (linked through many key ideas) and links to customized searches of Library of Congress the UK academic library COPAC and National Library of Canada
  • Open Library (US) - free web access to important book collections from around the world, books scanned; offered for free reading online, goal to list every book whether in or out-of-print
  • Pennsylvania University (US), Electronic Journals - important philosophy E-Journals
  • Project Gutenberg (US) - over 46,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download or read online
  • Religious Resources Online - bible quizzes; religious beliefs wiki; in-depth beliefs of religions; compare different types of religion
  • Tennessee University (US), The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - non-profit organization, Most articles original contributions by specialized philosophers; detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy
  • Washington State University (US), Literature Sites - American authors, timeline, literary movements, general literature sites, books online, nineteenth-century periodicals and primary sources, miscellaneous resource
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