Learner Support
- Learner Support
"The global nature of OER is integral to their quality and value. OER that allow adaptation, derivation, and redistribution encourage global activity like translation, transcontinental collaboration, and more." - OER Session at UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education
- Scoop, Open Educational Resources - curated from blogs, tweets, videos etc
Creative Commons (US), OER - educational institutions, teachers, learners actively participate in global exchange of knowledge: What is OER?, Finding OER, Creative Commons & OER, Education Project Database, Contribute
Community College District, Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) (US) - promoting awareness and adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER); Over 250 colleges joined
Merlot (US) - curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.
North Carolina University (US) - repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities: collections
Nottingham University (UK), Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) - directory of academic open access repositories, does not rely on automated analysis, gives quality-controlled list: Search, List, Statistics, tools, FAQ
OER Commons - build Open Educational Resources, lesson plans, and courses (on your own, or with others); publish them to benefit educators and learners everywhere
Top 89 Open Courseware Projects - Rankings, Open Courses, Financial Aid, Scholarships, Accredited Colleges, Advice
Open Access Directory (OAD) - compendium of simple factual lists about open access (OA) to science and scholarship, maintained by the OA community at large
Open Knowledge Foundation (UK), Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age - global non-profit organisation focused on realising open data’s value to society by helping civil society groups access and use data to take action on social problems
Open eLearning Content Observatory Services (OLCOS) project - aims at building an (online) information and observation centre for promoting the concept, production and usage of OER, in particular, open digital educational content (ODEC) in Europe
OpenContent (US) - evangelizing idea of opening access to educational resources
Open Education Consortium - global network of educational institutions, individuals and organizations that support an approach to education based on openness, including collaboration, innovation and collective development and use of open educational materials
RECAP Limited (UK), Podcast Directory for Educators, Schools and Colleges - freely access variety of educational content from over 5000 podcasts from different podcast channels, including range of audio, enhanced and video channels, to support effective teaching and learning
WikiEducator, Exemplary Collection of Open eLearning Content Repositories - Portals & Gateways, Institutional repositories, Subject portals/collections (General, Science, Social Sciences, Humanities), Stand alone digital media resources, Community developed content
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