iBerry Portal
Gateway to Climate Change and the Environment

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Room 1 - Blogs, forums, regular articles etc.

  • ...and Then There's Physics - By a professional and active scientist who teaches and carries out research at a university in the UK.
  • Anthropocene Magazine - Join researchers, policymakers, designers, and educators on sustainability science and innovations.
  • Angry Army - News, Energy, Policy, Science, Impact
  • BBC News - Science & Environment.
  • Blue & Green Tomorrow - News, Features, Magazine, Invest, Energy, Travel, Retail, Books & Films, Interviews.
  • In the business of planet saving, working to save trees
  • Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) - Independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working for practical solutions to climate change.
  • Cleo Institute - More climate crisis, less Florida
  • Climate 411 - Expert to expert commentary on the science, law and economics of global climate change and clean air.
  • ClimateChangeFork - About climate change, education and the search for solutions in adaptation and mitigation.
  • Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Peter Sinclair, videographer specializing in issues of Climate Change and renewable energy solutions.
  • Climate Justice Alliance - Communities taking bold action on the front lines of climate change, challenging the extractive economy.
  • Climate Majority Project - Working to accelerate citizen climate action towards system change.
  • Deep Adaptation Forum - Voices and perspectives about adapting to disruption and collapse, referring to uneven ending of current sustenance, shelter, security, pleasure, identity and meaning.
  • EcoWatch - Digital platform dedicated to publishing quality, science-based content on environmental issues, causes, and solutions.
  • EnviroLink - Grassroots online community uniting organizations and volunteers around the world, dedicated to providing comprehensive, up-to-date environmental information and news.
  • Environmental Humanities Center - Cultural modes of imagining the relations between humans and the environment impact our ways of interacting with planet earth.
  • Extinction Rebellion (UK) - International movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse.
  • Feasta - Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability.
  • Green Market Oracle - Business, Economy, Energy, Environment, Investing Politics, Technology, Social Change, Events.
  • Greenpeace UK - Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, biodiversity loss, what Greenpeace does to protect natural world for the future.
  • Grist - Independent, irreverent news outlet and network of innovators working toward a planet that doesn't burn and a future that doesn't suck.
  • Guardian - Global news organisation delivering investigative, independent journalism: Environment. Climate crisis, Wildlife, Energy, Pollution.
  • Fairventures Worldwide - Combine forestry and modern technologies to reforest degraded areas in the tropics.
  • Indigenous Climate Hub - Online community of Indigenous climate change leaders sharing stories and climate change adaptation experiences.
  • Happy Eco News - Personal project to help find nuggets of positivity in the vast sea of unpleasant environmental news stories.
  • Inside Track - Debate on UK environmental policy and politics, writing of leading commentators from business, government, NGOs and academia.
  • Lonely Conservationists - Innovating and delivering positive changes for the planet and ourselves too, save yourself before you save the world.
  • Met Office news team - Providing journalists and bloggers with latest news releases and related content, news diary and information.
  • NASA Global Climate Change - Vital Signs of the Planet: News and features, facts, articles, solutions, explore.
  • Natural Building Blog - Covers forms of natural building and sustainable lifestyles, offered to those who might employ the ideas.
  • Planet Forward - George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs, teaches, celebrates, rewards environmental storytelling by college students.
  • Revelator - News and ideas initiative of the Center for Biological Diversity
  • Revolve - Communicating about water, energy, ecosystems, mobility, circular economy.
  • Rupert Read - Events, books, writings, audio and video, in the media.
  • Sabin Center for Climate Change Law - Developments in climate-related litigation, U.S. and non-U.S. climate litigation charts.
  • Skeptical Science - Goal to explain what peer reviewed science has to say about global warming, global warming skepticism, do arguments have scientific basis?
  • State of the Planet - Columbia Climate School, new research from School's centers and programs, covers earth science, environmental science and sustainability issues.
  • Yale Climate Connections - Nonpartisan, multimedia service providing daily broadcast radio programming and web-based reporting, commentary, analysis on climate change issues.
  • BSR - Working with business to create a just and sustainable world in which all people thrive on a healthy planet.
  • Campaign Against Climate Change - Pushes for urgent and radical action needed to prevent catastrophic destabilisation of global climate.
  • Climate Analytics - Science and policy analysis on a most pressing global problem: human-induced climate change.
  • Climate Group - Mission to drive climate action. Fast, goal is world of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Climatelinks blog - Posts from the field with insight for the climate change and development community.
  • Climate Plus - Focus on climate change and topics of current interest, vigorous contestation of ideas welcome.
  • GoClimate - Social company fighting climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Greenredeem - Inspiring communities and individuals to act, topics and articles from communicating to carbon cutting.
  • GuyOnClimate - Main purpose to track planetary extreme, or record temperatures related to climate change.
  • Habitat for Humanity Great Britain - Humanitarian organisation focused on long-term development, aid and poverty alleviation.
  • IOM UN Migration - Overlapping global crises:impacts of food insecurity and climate change on migration and displacement.
  • Inside Climate News - Pulitzer Prize-winning, nonpartisan reporting on the biggest crisis facing our planet.
  • Kate on Conservation Wildlife blog giving a voice to the voiceless by highlighting important issues, individuals and organisations in fighting to protect our planet's wildlife.
  • NewClimate Institute - For Climate Policy and Global Sustainability: generates ideas on climate change driving implementation.
  • Paul Beckwith, Climate System Scientist - Climate system science, meteorology, oceanography, earth sciences, abrupt climate system change.
  • UN Climate Change - Information on the negotiating process and climate action.
  • World Bank ...Blogs - Development and a Changing Climate, From the frontlines of climate solutions.
  • World Wide Fund For Nature - Building a future in which people live in harmony with nature.
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