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Gateway to Climate Change and the Environment

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Miscellaneous - commentary, podcasts, videos etc.

The Manic Fire Monkeys Do It Again (and Again): Exploring the wonder of human evolution with Dr Shane Simonsen

Mangrove forests are climate champions . . .even the ones planted by people

For sustainable food production on land, we might soon be looking to the sea

Beef is carbon-intensive. But by how much is surprisingly unclear.

Changing how the rich eat would free up 2X the emissions required for the diets of the poor to grow

Blue and Green Tomorrow
Renewable Energy and EVs: Perfect Partners for a Greener World

Carbon Brief
DeBriefed 30 August 2024: Sea level rise ‘crisis’African floods

Why the Green Party admitting the limits of its power could aid the fight for climate justice

Earth Day
Can The World Run On Sunshine?

COAL + ICE: An Expansive Climate Breakdown Exhibit

‘Cruisezillas’: Cruise Ships Expanding in Size and Number Carry Greater Climate Costs

Aquaculture 101: Everything You Need to Know

EnviroLink Network
As the Great Salt Lake dries up, it’s also emitting millions of tons of CO2

Environment | The Guardian
‘Goldmine’ collection of wheat from 100 years ago may help feed the world, scientists say

Week in wildlife – in pictures: warthog drama, a fox at the museum and our rarest whale

Almost quarter of big fashion brands have no decarbonisation plan, report finds

Extreme ‘heat dome’ hitting Olympics ‘impossible’ without global heating

‘I turned into a solar nerd’: money and fun were the unexpected benefits of installing panels

The livestock lobby is waging war on ‘lab-grown meat’. This is why we can’t let them win | George Monbiot

Carbon Dividends on the agenda at the BIG Conference

Podcast: Avoiding polarisation

Podcast: Care and the Wellbeing Economy

Greenpeace UK
Thousands of Greenpeace supporters raise £1m emboldened by Shell lawsuit

Climate change fueled last year’s extreme wildfires — some more than others

Happy Eco News
How Plastic Contributes to Climate Change and the Role of Compostable Bags in Combating It

Sounds Right Initiative will Recognize NATURE as an Official Artist

SOLASTALGIA: Creating an Environmental Community and Generational Engagement Through Art 

The Transformation of Utility Work Toward Sustainability: 4 Examples

Eco-Friendly Landscaping Ideas for a Greener Home

Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour: Assessing the Environmental Impact

The Amazon’s most fertile forests are also most vulnerable to drought: Study

Geoengineering gains momentum, but governance is lacking, critics say

AI brings soaring emissions for Google and Microsoft, a major contributor to climate change

Official blog of the Met Office news team
Met Office celebrates 170 years of forecasting

Rupert Read
Radio Paradise |Radio 2050

Skeptical Science
2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change Global Warming News Roundup #28

Fact brief - Were scientists caught falsifying data in the hacked emails incident dubbed 'climategate'?

2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change Global Warming News Roundup #32

2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change Global Warming News Roundup #33

State of the Planet
Icelandic Glacier Runs for President, Sparking Rights of Nature Movement

The Revelator
Global Warming Funnies

We’re Protecting the Ocean Wrong

This is Not Cool
Extreme Heat Raises Costs for Transportation

NATO Defense Study: Russians Pushing Climate Disinformation

Found: JD Vance Forgotten Video –', '“We Have a Climate Problem”

Yale Climate Connections
Advances in oil and gas drilling technology could boost geothermal energy

High temperatures can cause train tracks to buckle and kink

Maryland rabbi calls on people to be good ancestors to future generations

The bold plan to save coral reefs

How open spaces can save lives during wildfires

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